Tina sang

I am a first year undergraduate student currently doing my BSc at the University of Alberta. My research project is investigating the relationship between Parkinson's disease and stereopsis as a possible biomarker. I enjoy competitive five-pin bowling and poetry.

Shirley Zhang

I am a first-year Life Sciences student at McGill University. Currently, I am working on investigating learning curves regarding the usage of endoscopic simulators, as well as seeing the usefulness of simulators in surgical training. Outside of academics, I enjoy reading, biking, traveling, painting, and photography.

Dr. Mengxia Tan

Mengxia Tan has been working as an neurological physician in the Second Affiliated Hospital Of Shantou University Medical College for three years. Her current project is to investigate whether stereopsis can be used as a biomarker for Parkinson's disease diagnosis.

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Short-term tRAINEERS

surgical simulation research lab